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Giave visited the exhibition Expopack 2013

Giave visited the exhibition Expopack 2013

Giave visited the exhibition  Expopack 2013,  celebrated in Mexico last month of June. The visit to this event meant a worldwide meeting point with customers and contacts belonging to the sector of the printing of flexible packaging and allowed Giave to re-start the commercial actions that were begun in the past.


This action allowed the company the opportunity of meeting some potential agents that can that represent our products in this country and can respond to customers in a more closely way, reducing distances and time changes. In the same time, the company has achieved an agreement with the company DARGAM PACK, which will collaborate with Giave contributing with a technical service in the Mexican country.

Programa kit digital financiado por los fondos next generation del mecanismo de recuperación y resiliencia
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